Category: Sober living
Mindfulness Meditation & Addiction
A 2004 study published in Molecular Psychiatry (Volkow et al) found that when an addict gets their “fix”, high amounts of the euphoric brain chemical “dopamine” flood certain brain regions like the “nucleus accumbens”. When meditation puts you back into the driver seat of your mind, urges downgrade to just another thought, powerless to manipulate…
Sober living house Wikipedia
Our primary purpose is to foster long-term sobriety through the cultivation of accountability, camaraderie, & character development. In the United States, 60.1% of individuals ages 12 and older use at least one substance (like tobacco, alcohol, or an illicit drug), according to the latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Join the thousands of…
The 6 Best Sober Living Homes for Women
Founded in 1963, The Home was a small, clapboard residence near the railroad tracks on Duke Street in Alexandria, Virginia. Abandoned and in poor shape, the house was repaired and soon housed four residents and a resident manager. Stability in recovery takes time because recovery is a process, not an event. As a sober woman…
Alcohol tolerance Wikipedia
Thus, it is possible that a weekly injection of morphine caused the development of some tolerance, albeit significantly less than that caused by daily injections. This tolerance development was not prevented by CI988, as on the day of nociceptive testing CI988 was injected 2–3 hr later than morphine to avoid the acute potentiation of the…
How to Control Drinking: 9 Steps with Pictures
Chloramine can change the chemical properties of the water, which can affect lead and copper pipes. Lead and copper levels are strictly regulated in drinking water by the EPA Lead and Copper Rule. EPA provides guidance for local water authorities switching to chloramine on how to minimize lead and copper levels. Learn up-to-date facts and…
Alcohol Tolerance Can You Build It Up and How to Reduce It?
This feeling can cause them to binge drink, putting them at risk of alcohol poisoning and other dangers of overdrinking. People with medical conditions like liver disease or pancreatitis may have a lower alcohol tolerance since they’re less able to metabolize alcohol effectively. Individuals on medications like sedatives or tranquillizers may also have lower alcohol…
Type 2 diabetes and alcohol
However, with larger amounts of alcohol, serious hypoglycaemia can occur. If you drink a lot or on an empty stomach, you’re even more likely to have a hypo. It means you shouldn’t drink more than six medium glasses of wine or six pints of lager a week. Alcohol can also contain a lot of calories,…